Home » Kids Find Human Remains While Fishing at Pennsylvania Park
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Kids Find Human Remains While Fishing at Pennsylvania Park

Police in Pennsylvania reported some children found human remains while fishing in a park on Thursday.

Officials said the remains could have been there for years.

Now the hard work of identifying the remains begins since no wallet or identification was found.

“Many of the bones were found in the root structure and all that sort of stuff,” Graham Hetrick, the Dauphin County coroner, said. “So, we had to clear a lot out.”

Hetrick said a “sizable” number of bones were found in a marshy and muddy area.

Based on the condition of those bones and where they were found, he believes the remains may be at least a couple of years old.

“We can do calculations on height of the person,” Hetrick said. “At this point, it seems to be a person of smaller stature.”

Hetrick says no wallet or identification was found with the remains, only clothing fragments and a piece of jewelry.

The coroner’s office will reach out to families of missing persons, but DNA testing may also be used to make an identification.

“We’re pretty confident in who we have, but we always like … it’s a tool that says scientifically it can’t be anybody else,” Hetrick said.

Hetrick said he doesn’t suspect foul play.

Source : Hawaii News Now
